Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween!!!!!

Well to say that Tinkerbell had a great Halloween would be an understatement! We started out the day going trick or treating at Grandma and Grandpa's. Savannah got to practice the routine and of course she did great and got plenty of treats! We then went to Great Grandma Wehmeyer's and Aunt Diane's for the same and now all Savannah can talk about is swimming this summer at Aunt Diane's! When it was time, we went to the neighbor's to pass out candy and trick or treat with the other neighbor kids. Savannah got lots of good loot and had fun once again! From there we headed to Matt and Jenny's for their Halloween party. It was complete with musical tombstones, pin the nose on the pumpkin, apple bobbing and of course the pinata! Savannah had so much fun she was sound asleep by the time we made it home from the party, which is only a few blocks away! It was another successful Halloween!

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